Does My Health Records Grooms Patient Or Medical Practice
More and more patients have started using digital data to make decisions about their health. My Health Records becomes a key tool in everyday patient care. The information source doesn’t matter. It can be either collected by wearable devices or lab test results. Patients can now access, share, and use a patient portal for managing their health needs. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized My Health Records. It shows the importance of creating a proactive approach. It enables patients to get the right treatment at right time. It’s much before the time of emergency. My Health Records Creates Person-Centered Health System At present, My Health Records is very much in its beginning stage of benefitting people. Patients, providers, and physicians must look at it with a long-term view. Then it can critically become a tool in improving patient care. It happens only if that evolves continuously with increased functions and usability. It gives rock-solid patient record with acc...