How My Health Records Software Helps the Government to Identify Red Alerts Areas

COVID-19 Pandemic has created the awareness of digital tools for common people. It can collect and track data from different parts of the world in a short period. Today, physical touch is the most transmittable way for the virus so healthcare professionals are serious about using digital tools to get information direct resources. How My Health Records Software helps the government identify red alert areas is a most beneficial feature to inform the public to stay safe from specific regions.

My Health Records Software
is a digital collection and maintenance of medical records from the patient side in a most authorized source. Patients can request healthcare organizations to send electronic medical reports directly to their IDs. MHR can be used as an evidential source for the insurance claim and clinical summaries are attached with each prescription so it helps patients to identify the purpose of a hospital visit.   

COVID-19 Case-Based Surveillance

  1. My Health Records Software are cloud-based tools can be used in android and iOS platform so data can be tracked and supports interoperability features to merge data. Security layers ensure data protection so sensitive information is saved without any fear as MHR follows sincere cyber guidelines.
  2. District Health Information Software collects information from MHR software as it collects specific health information to evaluate the diagnostic and screening tests.
  3. Testing sites must report all diagnostic and screening testing completed, including molecular, antigen, and antibody testing for each individual tested. These data must be reported daily to patient My Health Records Software, within 24 hours of test completion, to the appropriate state, tribal, local, or territorial public health department based on the individual’s residence.
  4. COVID-19 Centres must upload data daily of new positive and negative cases in a detailed manner that includes molecular, and antigen levels.  The centers inform positive patients regarding their results after 24 hours, it can even report media teams to flash news about red alert areas. Test results are segregate based on local, tribal, district, and state levels to find exact COVID-19 outbreak areas.

With My Health Records Software, patients and their family members can be more aware of their healthcare details like summary, prescriptions, results, and remainder. What happened in their last visit and when is their next follow-up appointment scheduled so everything becomes easy as we support cloud storage. With long-term preservation, patients can get their comprehensive medical statement upon request.


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