Do I Have Assurance; Nobody Has Access To My Health Records?
Internet is the most useful
technology created by human beings. When the software was invented, people should
be rich enough to afford special gadgets to use and license purchase. Cloud
technology broke all these socio-economic barriers and came forward to help
common citizens with bigger benefits, one such thing is My Health Records.
The question most people get do I have assurance;
nobody has access to My Health Record? The fear about privacy and security
features are discussed below.
My Health Records is an electronic compilation of traditional medical records and stores information covering all aspects; physical, mental, social, and demographics. It offers a wide solution to improve the healthcare delivery system. It acts as an immediate source for medical professionals to know the efficiency of treatment.
Can My Insurance Company or Government have access to My Health Records?
Recently, new laws were created
and it states that no individual or organization is permitted to access or
disclose any information for a non-medical purpose.
Since privacy laws were enforced
for My Health Record Software, information
cannot be even released to a government official or for legal purposes. Only if
judicial order is submitted to get certain information, it is released and
legal entry is mentioned for future reference.
Public health information is important
for the government to know the performance of health care institutions and doctors’
efficiencies. The information is used to create plans, policies, and research
particular healthcare domains to improve the outcomes. Patient information is de-identified for
internal security reasons.
Is there any chance to use my information for commercial purposes or vulnerable
to internet searches?
Personal information cannot be
sold for any commercial purpose as strong frameworks were enforced. It doesn’t
provide any permission to extract data and use them for non-health-related
Only Government organizations can
manage My Health Record Software
and no private organization has access to login legally or illegally. Multi-tier
security controls are enabled to protect data from malicious attacks.
Health Information is not vulnerable to internet searches as healthcare providers must have authenticated digital certificates. Encryptions are made to cloud systems to not allow any search engine to crawl data based on the query.
My Health Record Software has a lot of benefits
- Only registered healthcare organizations with the My Health Record Software Operator, are given access to feed data regularly and the periodic lock can be enabled by the user.
- Record access history updates every entry and notification can be enabled to see, whenever an entry is made.
For Security threats and data privacy in My Health Records, you have assurance from the government and My Health Record Software Operator that cybersecurity updates are rolled out regularly to block hackers out. Take immediate action on security patch update when it notifies, ensuring loopholes are closed for data miners.
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