My Health Record - A Key To Improving The Patient Care

The power of My Health Records can be realized only when a patient from another state is admitted to your hospital. As no information is available to you and then you need someone to tell you every important medical data required for starting the treatment. Doctors can find the entire data immediately on My Health Records which summarises all admission, operations, medication, and follow-up. 

Reviewing an unwell patient through the right data then it becomes bonus information to make a significant difference in improving patient care. Indeed, My Health Records cannot become a rapid sensation. Only consistent efforts of doctors and medical organizations can widen the benefits.

My Health Record - A Key To Improving The Patient Care

In My Health Records information such as allergies, current medicines, past medical conditions, 

test results, specialists consulted, medicare claim history, organ donor, and emergency contact information. Simply it’s a convenient way to record and track health information over a particular time range.

Currently, people have only a small bit of awareness of its benefit. We must look at My Health Records in a long-term view. In the future, it becomes an important tool for patients to connect with doctors. The increased functions and usability find patient’s history accurately over all the years. 

Information is protected with proper encryption so it cannot be viewed or misused by anyone. Additionally, it is available to doctors or other health providers while attending to patients only after getting their approval.  

Patient information is stored randomly on doctors’ computers and it is hard to organize all information in one place and finding a file instantly has minimum chances. My Health Records allows a healthcare provider to add, edit and store every patient information in a separate and organized space. 

Doctors can see unforeseen information to any treatment so it acts as bonus information to understand patients fully. This is gold in improving the patient’s care and safety. It gives better access to patient's health information, whether they can recall it or not. 

Doctors can make better decisions about patients' safety as they can find their adverse and allergic information. It helps in customizing treatment plans so treatment becomes successful without any side effects. Also, when particular medicine is searched over patient records it rapidly sources document that contains the medicine name and context prescribed. 

With integrated care My Health Records, the patient can get data from their multi-treatment sources. Patients get quicker and better care at the same time a lot of money and time is saved. When physicians are given better technology, then treatment and revenue are increased. 


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